
Torture Game Criticism Cranks Up Torture Game Popularity


A controversial torture game has been given a big bump in popularity thanks to the efforts of watchdog groups that are decrying the existence of the controversial torture game.

Available on Newgrounds, The Torture Game 2 lets people go to work on a helpless ragdoll dummy suspended in the air by ropes. Tools available to the player include spikes, rope, razor blades, a chainsaw, numerous firearms and more, with which the player can inflict various forms of punishment and bloodletting until the subject dies.

GamePolitics reports that MSNBC’s Winda Benedetti described the game as “horrible, unspeakable, and totally sick, sick, sick,” calling attention to the game from the likes of Fox News and the Parents Television Council, which issued a parental alert about the game.

Ironically, all the watchdogging and alerting has apparently resulted in a large upsurge in the number of people now playing the game. “The latest controversy has been surrounding The Torture Game 2, a fun little ragdoll physics engine that lets you do all sorts of horrible things to a lifeless dummy,” Newgrounds webmaster Tom Fulp wrote on the site.

“MSNBC picked up on the TIGSource debate and posted their own article about the game, but the real fun came when Fox News weighed in with a Fair & Balanced video, expressing their disgust while showing real-time footage of the person being tortured,” he said. “Hey! At least we slapped a MATURE rating on the game and made you click a link to view it… Fox just dumped it into every living room in America!”

“As a result of their efforts, many more people are now enjoying The Torture Game 2,” he added.

If you want to enjoy The Torture Game 2 yourself, hop on over to Newgrounds and give it a try.

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