Anime Reviews

Trinity Blood: Volumes 3 and 4 Collector Editions

Trinity Blood: Volumes 3 and 4 Collector Editions


This review may contain spoilers of previous episodes. If you haven’t read the review of volumes 1 and 2 I recommend doing so! It’ll give you a better idea of who’s who and what the series is about.

Tensions are high on Earth as the two superpowers, the Catholic Church and the Methuselah Empire, face an enemy that threatens to tear the whole world apart and start another gruesome war.

imageWith one city crumbled by the Rosen Kruez’s deadly Silent Noise machine, the AX is positive that Rome is next on the list. The danger is high as the Uncle to the Pope, once removed from the throne, is visiting after a hiatus from office. There’s bitter feelings and bad blood in the Royal family, but political matters are second to the search for the bell equipped with machinery that could literally crumble the city with its vibrations. As the deadly silent noise machine is finally unveiled in the heart of Rome, a traitor is revealed, and the Rosen Kruez proves more powerful then the AX had previously expected, a dangerous mistake on their part. But the danger of the Rosen Kruez does prove useful in one small way. The queen of the Methuselah Empire has taken notice of the Kruex’s dangerous abilities and sends messengers in secret to make contact with Lady Caterina.

imageThe meeting goes awry, as an ill-timed fire starts on the manor grounds and the messengers secretly meeting with Lady Caterina are misinterpreted as an assassination attempt. Father Able is sent to find the true intentions of the vampire messenger Ion and his companion, but things turn to a mess when Esther tries to kill them, still misunderstanding the situation, as well as when the inquisition is sent by Lady Caterina’s brother. Tensions are high but the vampire messengers have no choice but to accept the AX’s help to escape, determined to carry out the Queens orders. But there seems to be betrayal seeded deep into the Methuselah Empire as well, turning the situation even more dangerous.

The previous volumes were mostly introductions to both the world and the characters, and these two volumes are the story that slides into this lush setting. The plot lines hook the viewer, throwing in twists and turns that are simply brilliant at times. I’m really looking forward to the next volumes for what happens next, and more hints about Abel’s past.

There isn’t anything special in the way of extras on the DVD disc itself, but the collector’s boxes are awesome! Not only do they have fancy slip covers, but each volume also comes with 4 collectible tarot cards, unique to that volume. They also each come with their own little booklet that has character bios, interviews, background and artifact history. It’s definitely worth the few extra bucks to get the collector’s edition.

I knew that the art work of this series was spectacular form the first two episodes, but what I didn’t realize was how dynamic and imaginative it would consistently be. In these discs, they expand even more into the world setting, and the creativity of the cityscrapes is almost unbelievable. From the dark rubble remains of a shattered city, to the bright sun filled city of the Methuselah this series doesn’t cut any corners on detail.

As this series goes on, I fall more and more in love with it. The tedium of one shots has transformed into full and rich plots, the characters have more depth and evolve, and artwork is still absolutely breathtaking. This series is blooming in an anime that’s going to be a fan favorite for years to come.

Entertainment: 10
This series is cans of awesome sauce.

Technical: 8
I wish the collector’s editions had more extras on the disc as well as the inserts.

Overall: 9

DVD Features Disc 3: Episodes 13-16, English, Japanese with English Subtitles

DVD Extras: Historical Artifacts, Textless Songs, Trailers

DVD Features Disc 4: Episodes 17-20, English, Japanese with English Subtitles

DVD Extras: Historical Artifacts, Textless Songs, Trailers

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