E3 2015

Uncharted 4 Trailer Has Car Chases and Banter Galore

New gameplay footage from Uncharted 4 puts series’ hero Nathan Drake behind the wheel in a violent car chase.

Sony and Naughty Dog have released a new gameplay trailer for Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End.

The trailer, revealed at Sony’s E3 press event this evening (after some technical difficulties), followed series’ protagonist Nathan Drake as he and his longtime friend/father-figure Sully tried to infiltrate an unnamed city to find Drake’s brother Sam. The plan, as it tends to in this franchise, of course quickly falls apart, leading to a gunfight in the city streets.

This firefight was followed by a car chase where the Drake, controlled by the player, has to drive a jeep and navigate the city streets while avoiding civilians and an armored truck with a machine gun. The trailer ends with Drake using a grappling hook to leap off of the jeep and make his way up to a convoy of vehicles violently pursuing his brother. Being Nathan Drake, this also doesn’t go well.

Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End will launch on PS4 in March 2016.

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