
Upcoming Final Fantasy VII Rerelease Appears on Square Enix Site


An updated, feature-rich version of FFVII may be coming to Steam.

A new website registered to Square Enix has leaked details of a possible PC rerelease of Final Fantasy VII. If the leak is to be believed, the port is set to include some snazzy new features to help modernize the classic, including a new cloud save storage system (no, not that Cloud) and a set of achievements. Though no actual mention of Steam is made, these additions imply it to be a possible release platform.

The news comes after a string of recent denials that a remake is currently in development. Details of a similar release of both Final Fantasy VII and Final Fantasy VIII were spotted on Steam around this time last year, and this looks like another step towards an actual release – though it’s hard to tell at the moment whether this would be a full HD rework or an enhanced rerelease of the 1998 PC edition.

The page, registered last week to Square Enix Holdings, was swiftly taken down, but still lives on in Google’s cache. A price of £7.99/€9.99 (about $12.50) was listed on the site, but there were no details as of yet on a possible release date. The page also included character descriptions, downloadable wallpapers (which require a password to access), and even the mention of a “Character Booster”, which will “increase your HP, MP and Gil levels to their maximum” when you’re in a pinch.

Square Enix have responded in an official comment to G4TV, saying that “Regarding Final Fantasy VII, we don’t have any news or information to announce at this time”. There’s been no implication that the page is a hoax though, so we’ll have to wait and see whether anything official comes out of this.

Source: Eurogamer

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