
Very Limited Warhammer Demo Available


Mythic has announced a free 10-day trial for Warhammer Online, but you’ll have to jump through plenty of hoops first.

Now, I’ll admit first off that a 10-day free trial is what got me into a lot of MMOs, and it’s always good to have a little “try before you buy”, but as a lead up to Call to Arms, this seems strangely limited.

First of all, you need to be a subscriber to Fileplanet. Then you’re only allowed to use certain servers, and certain cities, and only go to certain levels and you end up thinking, does Mythic actually want people to play this? Especially as it’s only available to Australia, Japan, New Zealand, Singapore, and U.S. residents.

I mean, usually when I try out a new MMO, I get a bunch of like minded friends to log on together, stomp the first rat and then run fleeing from the horde of aggravated ones. With this, we’d get stuck on the first person not to like Fileplanet.

Source: Kotaku

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