
Wasteland 2 Kickstarter Breaks $1 Million

The Wasteland 2 Kickstarter has blown past its goal in just two days.

On March 13, the Wasteland 2 Kickstarter began, seeking $900,000 to fund the creation of a sequel to the 1988 Interplay hit Wasteland, the Big Daddy of post-apocalyptic RPGs. At some point during the wee hours of March 15, it was mission accomplished, as gamers around the world ponied up their 900 large and then just kept on giving. Funding broke the $1 million mark earlier today, and it just keeps climbing.

That’s fantastic news for Brian Fargo and his fellows at inXile, and of course long-suffering Wasteland fans and post-apoc aficionados who have never sampled the joys of the original. It’s also good news for the game development scene as a whole, as it goes a long way toward putting to rest concerns that the outrageous success of the Double Fine Adventure Kickstarter was some kind of one-time aberration.

Fargo, while no doubt thrilled, also expressed disappointment, perhaps just slightly tongue-in-cheek, that people don’t seem overly enthralled by the $2500 supporter tier, which includes an “exploded blood sausage Wasteland limited signed and numbered collectible figurine” as its centerpiece. The cost clearly isn’t the issue; the $5000 tier has seven backers and the $10,000 tier has eight. Instead, he put it down to poor marketing.

“We have sure done a bad job conveying the $2,500 tier as there are no takers. People probably think it is literally a sausage statue,” he wrote on Twitter. “The statue is of a creature being blown apart… blood sausage style!”

[I actually think an official Wasteland 2 Exploded Blood Sausage Statue would be pretty awesome, but that’s just me.]

The great thing is that 32 days remain on the Kickstarter clock, so there’s still plenty of time to throw money at this thing and help make it even better. You can toss your nickel into the hat at

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