
Welcome to The Escapist Channels


All of the insightful and informative commentary you love is now organized in channels on The Escapist.

Back in February, I let you guys in on a little secret: The Escapist is not just about video games. We have always had a passion for movies and TV shows like Game of Thrones. We are fascinated by astronomy, robotics, and technology. We love comics, we think the creativity of cosplayers is amazing, and we know playing a game of Settlers of Catan on a table with friends is just as engaging as Titanfall, if not more. Now after months of planning and testing, I’m excited to finally show the world what we’ve been cooking up in the Winnebago. This is the good stuff.

Welcome to the new Escapist channels!

Allow me to introduce you …

Click on The Escapist logo, and you’ll get an overview of videos, articles and news that run the gamut of all our channels. If you love all the topics we cover, this is where you can find it presented in an easy-to-navigate format. The dropdown menu below The Escapist logo will let you focus on the latest videos, reviews, and well, “everything” with a convenient sortable list at the bottom of each page. Our homepage URL still goes to this page, and from there you can branch out into the different channels.

The Video Games channel is blue, and this is where you’ll find video series devoted to games. Our editorial coverage is led by Managing Editor Josh Vanderwall and the team will continue to deliver the latest news, previews and interviews with people in the gaming industry. You’ll find Zero Punctuation in the Video Games channel, along with Jimquisition, Unskippable and Escapist News with Andrea Rene. Other series and columns will appear here if the episode pertains to video games like Critical Intel, Top 5 and No Right Answer.

The Movies and TV is gold like the Academy Awards. This channel is MovieBob’s wheelhouse, with Escape to the Movies, Intermission, his new TV column High Definition and any TV show recaps appearing in this channel. We’ve been covering all kinds of movies news, and you’ll continue to find out all about the latest TV shows or J. J. Abrams atrocities here.

Comics and Cosplay is red, and you’ll find all about what Marvel and D.C. are doing in this channel. Critical Miss and all our webcomics will live here, but there’s more in store. Senior Editor Ross Lincoln knows his comic book universes well, and he’s publishing editorials and features on the industry in this channel. When MovieBob’ The Big Picture or a video game like A Wolf Among Us pertains to comics, you’ll find it here. We’re going to more conventions and showing off the work of cosplayers around the world – look for more profiles and amazing costumes in this channel every week.

We’ve always been passionate about Tabletop games here at The Escapist, and Senior Editor Jonathan Bolding is bringing you news about roleplaying games and board games in this purple channel. He’ll be writing about classic board games, reviewing new games from companies like Wizards of the Coast and Fantasy Flight Games, and bringing you features about things like Dungeons & Dragons monsters and the latest Kickstarter campaigns. You’ll find Shut Up & Sit Down video here, and news about D&D movies (Please, no more Damon Wayans.)

Science and Tech is green, and this is where you’ll find out about interesting discoveries in space, a fascinating psychology study, or the latest gadgets and robotics breakthroughs. Here’s where you’ll find reviews of gaming hardware and peripherals like graphics cards and keyboards. Editor C.J. Miozzi will be continuing to break down complex topics into laymen’s terms by writing a weekly column called For Science!

Each of the new channels has a dropdown menu which will bring you the videos, reviews or everything pertaining to the channel, along with a sortable list. We at The Escapist are committed to letting you approach our content any way you want!

If there’s something that’s not working for you, I’m here to discuss any concerns you might have and answer all your questions. Ping me on Twitter, send me a PM @gregtito, or head to the forums to discuss the channels in this thread here. Let’s talk!

Until then …

Geek out,


Greg Tito
Editor in Chief
The Escapist

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