
Welcome to The Escapist’s Halloween Extravaganza!


It’s that time of year where all of the spooks, specters and ghouls come out from the shadows into the night for tricks and treats so of course The Escapist wants everyone to have some fun. Welcome to our annual Halloween Extravaganza!

First, try your luck at navigating through the spine chilling text adventure “Phantom of the Arcade 2: Shadows, Darkness, and Dread”. Do you have enough guts and brains to make it all the way through the terrifying amusement park? Pray you make it out…alive!

Next, test your rapid fire response against the hordes of evil in 30 second intervals as part of our “30 in 30” video quizzes…guaranteed to make you scream.

30 Horror Movies in 30 Seconds, sponsored by Killing Floor: While the range of horrific characters is vast, we scoured the earth for only the most terrifying of them all, and locked them into 30 seconds of pure dread. Not for the faint of heart or those who have eaten in the last hour.

30 Vampires in 30 Seconds: Whether you believe in the legends or not, we have proof that at least 30 blood sucking fiends have infiltrated our existence through magic screens, projectors and the minds of some really messed up people. Oh, by the way, we could use some AB+ here at the office for a friend…yeah, that’s it, a friend.

30 Robots in 30 Seconds: Robots seem to be inevitable in the very near future and thanks to science fiction, it seems as though people are split on how good of an idea that really is. Perhaps taking this quiz will help you make up your mind. You do act on behalf of yourself and not a collective mind right?

And as if that wasn’t enough, feel free to take the Get Seriously Spooky, Azeroth Style quiz for your chance at a limited edition in-game World of WarCraft pet! We only have so many to give out, so complete the quiz, cross your fingers and hope you get a PM with a cool key in it.

And last but not least, in preparation for their Fallen Earth Halloween Event, our good friends at Icarus Studios made 2000 keys available for the members of The Escapist community. All 2000 keys have been given out, but don’t fret – you can still join our Fallen Earth user group and chat about the in-game events. To those lucky enough to grab a key, enjoy the post-apocalyptic MMO mayhem!

Badges? Of course there are badges! Complete all four trials of terror (the 30 in 30 quizzes and the text adventure) before Halloween and you’ll earn the special Hallo-winner badge! Badge-hunter alert! This is a limited-time only offer, so get your proton packs locked and loaded before October is over.

Enjoy the games and try the taco dip. By the way, your costume looks fantastic! Oh, that’s not a costume? My, this is awkward.

About the author

“Phantom of the Arcade 2: Shadows, Darkness, and Dread” – A Text Adventure

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