
What Happens When Games Collide With Literature?


We at The Escapist are fans of great games. But we’re also fans of great books. That got us thinking, “What if our greatest books could be combined with our favorite games?” With that in mind, we’re asking you to come up with your own combinations.

Great Expectations, The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, Super Mario Brothers, The Legend of Zelda. What do all of these have in common? They are the great building blocks of what literature and gaming are today. So, what if we combined the two industries into one MEGA industry? We would have The Canterbury Tales of Symphonia, Confessions of Zeno Saga and The Sound and the Fists of Fury! There are so many great examples, we need your help. Here is how to participate:

  • You must be a registered member of The Escapist. You can sign up for your free account by clicking here, or Login with Facebook.
  • You must also have a valid Twitter account. They are free, so if you don’t already have one, sign up for one here.
  • Then, follow @TheEscapistMag and Tweet your favorite Games and Literature mash-up and use the hashtag #greatgamelit
  • You can do this by taking any piece of literature and combining it with any game.
  • Here is an example of what you would post on Twitter: “A Tale of Two Sim Cities” #greatgamelit”
  • You may tweet multiple times throughout the day as long as the mash-ups are different.

If we see 500 of these mash-ups on Twitter before the end of today (Wednesday, July 28th at 11:59PM EST), everyone that participated will receive a limited edition badge.

Please Note: You must update your Escapist profile with your Twitter username. If you don’t, there is no way for us to track you or give you the badge.

Good luck and may the literary and gaming industries never be the same!

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Professor Investigates the Effect of Zombies on World Politics

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