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What Is Sylvie Holding at the End of Marvel’s Loki Season 2, Episode 2

Sylvie in Loki 2x02 "Breaking Brad"

Fans noticing the little things is a staple of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and that was certainly the case during the latest episode of Loki. The ending of Loki Season 2, Episode 2, titled “Breaking Brad,” sees Sylvie outside the McDonald’s she works at, in 1982 Broxton Oklahoma. She says goodbye to her manager Jack, and sits on top of her truck as Janis Joplin’s “Kozmic Blues” plays in the background. Then, she looks into the distance while she holds something in her hands. But what is Sylvie holding at the end of Loki Season 2, Episode 2? The episode doesn’t make it clear, and yet eagle-eyed viewers probably had some guesses, considering we’ve actually seen the artifact Sylvie is holding before.

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Sylvie Is Holding He Who Remains’ Time-Twisting Device

The glowing artifact in Sylvie’s hands – yes, it glows! – is actually He Who Remains’ time-twisting device. And what a fun little thing it is. Essentially, it is a combination of a TempPad and a Time Twister, so it can generate time doors and also allow the user to teleport. Convenient, right?

We never see Sylvie acquire it, though it’s easy to assume she took it from He Who Remains at some point after killing him and pushing Loki through a time door. Plenty of time to do whatever she wanted at the Citadel at the End of Time, particularly considering there was no one else around.

Related: Best Loki Stories in Marvel Comics History

Sylvie Being in Possession of the Time-Twisting Device Proves She’s a Loki

The fact that Sylvie is in possession of the device says a lot about who she is, deep down. Because, if we think about it, Loki would probably also pocket a device like that. He has, often enough, done the same with the Tesseract, even when he didn’t really need to. So, Sylvie being in possession of He Who Remains’ device makes a lot of sense in context. She is a Loki, after all.

But the fact that Sylvie is holding He Who Remains’ time-twisting device in Loki is probably better than the alternative, for it to just be somewhere at the Citadel at the End of Time, where anyone could get to it. Sylvie’s character arc so far in Loki might not be exactly heroic, but Sylvie isn’t a villain, not like He Who Remains. And as long as she has it, a He Who Remains variant like Victor Timely cannot get their hands on it. Besides, now that we’ve seen it and we know she has it, chances are the device will end up being important at some point in Loki Season 2. It is, after all, too big of a plot device not to take advantage of it.

If you’re looking for more, check out our explainer on who plays Brad Wolfe in Loki Season 2.

About the author

Lissete Lanuza
Lizzie has been covering entertainment for almost a decade. She's a Rotten Tomatoes approved critic and a TCA member. She can also be found covering the sports beat, and being very loud about her opinions. She hates the color yellow and loves coffee ice cream. You can find her on Twitter @lizziethat.
    Lissete Lanuza
    Lizzie has been covering entertainment for almost a decade. She's a Rotten Tomatoes approved critic and a TCA member. She can also be found covering the sports beat, and being very loud about her opinions. She hates the color yellow and loves coffee ice cream. You can find her on Twitter @lizziethat.

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