E3 2015

What We Learned In The Electronic Arts E3 2015 Press Conference

Star Wars dominated proceedings.

Electronic Arts may not have had the most thrilling of press conferences at E3 2015, but they certainly hit some high points. At the top of the list was the incredible first gameplay trailer and release date announcement for Star Wars: Battlefront. And, as expected, we also received a look at the next expansion for MMO The Old Republic, Knights of the Fallen Empire.

But it wasn’t all Star Wars. Bioware lifted the curtain on Mass Effect: Andromeda. Mirror’s Edge Catalyst was given a healthy amount of time, with its own gameplay trailer, story details and a release date. We were also given a second look at Plants vs. Zombies: Garden Warfare 2 and introduced to an adorable new game, a puzzle platformer starring a toy made of yarn, Unravel.

Perhaps best of all, there was no sign of Battlefield anywhere, suggesting that they’re taking a break from annualized releases for the series following Hardline.

For your convenience, reference this list of our biggest stories out of the event:

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