Video Games

Where to Find Gobermouch Location in Final Fantasy XVI

Where to find Gobermouch in FF16

Gobermouch is one of the many Notorious Mark Hunts you’ll take on during your playthrough of Final Fantasy XVI, and despite his appearance, the fight is more challenging than you might expect. First, though, you need to find the little bugger and don’t expect to do so for at least a couple dozen hours. Gobermouch isn’t even available until late in FF16, and we’ll cover exactly where you can find him in this guide.

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Where Is Gobermouch in Final Fantasy XVI?

You can encounter Gobermouch shortly after arriving in the region of Waloed while you’re on the hunt for King Barnabas and his Eikon Odin. Shortly after setting foot in the area, you’ll reach a small town called Eistla and need to clear several waves of Akashik enemies. You’ll next meet Edda, the town’s sole survivor, and when you leave her hiding spot, you can explore more freely.

To get to Gobermouch, look for a large staircase on the north side of town. Take the stairs up and turn left when you reach the top. You’ll see a small clearing with the goblin Mark waiting at its back. As Gobermouch qualifies as a regular mob—if a very strong one—he doesn’t have a Will meter and so can’t be Staggered. He is mostly vulnerable to being thrown around by Titan and other Eikonic abilities, as well as any standard launcher attack. 

Don’t underestimate this goblin chief, however, as his attacks hit hard and fast. If you can’t keep him juggled and on his backside for the whole fight, he can easily chunk half your health in less than a second.

When you do defeat him, though, you’ll get the valuable material Primitive Battlehorn, which you’ll need to make the Gotterdammerung, the game’s ultimate weapon. Don’t sell the material by mistake, or you won’t be able to remake the sword without reloading a save before you killed Gobermouch. And depending on when you fought him, you could lose hours of progress.

That covers where to find Gobermouch in FF16 and some things to keep in mind when you do go a-hunting. If you’re looking for more tips on making it through Square Enix’s latest opus, make sure to take a look through our archives.

About the author

John Schutt
John Schutt has spent more than a decade writing about video games in various capacities and wonders constantly why no one has yet stopped him. You can follow him on Twitter @Terrible_Xiant, though he doesn't do much there.
John Schutt
John Schutt has spent more than a decade writing about video games in various capacities and wonders constantly why no one has yet stopped him. You can follow him on Twitter @Terrible_Xiant, though he doesn't do much there.

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