Movies & TV

Who Is Fantastic Four’s The Thing Actor Ebon Moss-Bachrach?

Ebon Moss-Bachrach and The Fantastic Four artwork

The MCU Fantastic Four‘s core quartet was just unveiled – and Ebon Moss-Bachrach made the cut! So who is Ebon Moss-Bachrach, and why did Marvel Studios pick him to play The Thing in The Fantastic Four?

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Who Is Fantastic Four’s The Thing Actor Ebon Moss-Bachrach?

Ebon Moss-Bachrach is an American actor from Amherst, Massachusetts. He’s best known for playing Richard “Richie” Jerimovich in FX comedy-drama series The Bear. For his portrayal of Richie, Moss-Bachrach has won or been nominated for several major acting awards. This includes taking home Best Supporting Actor at the 75th Primetime Emmy Awards in 2024.

Moss-Bachrach’s other recent high-profile projects include Disney+ Star Wars series Andor, and Hulu biopic miniseries The Dropout. Among his other small screen credits are Girls, The Punisher, Fringe, John Adams, and NOS4A2. Moss-Bachrach has starred in several feature films as well, including The Royal Tenenbaums, Mona Lisa Smile, The Big Take, and No Hard Feelings.

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This impressive filmography is presumably what landed Moss-Bachrach his Fantastic Four gig. Chemistry tests with co-stars Pedro Pascal (Mister Fantastic), Vanessa Kirby (Invisible Woman), and Joseph Quinn (Johnny Storm) presumably didn’t hurt, either. Industry insiders previously bandied Moss-Bachrach’s name about as a candidate for The Thing role in the months leading up to Marvel’s recent reveal.

Exactly how much Moss-Bachrach will physically appear in The Fantastic Four remains unclear, though. The Thing’s rocky look will likely involve extensive CGI, although Marvel Studios could potentially realize the character via practical effects.

What’s more, a nod to The Thing’s pre-transformation likeness – modeled on Moss-Bachrach – is visible in the cast announcement artwork. This suggests Moss-Bachrach’s mug will appear on screen for at least some of The Fantastic Four‘s runtime.

The Fantastic Four arrives in cinemas on July 25, 2025, as part of the MCU Phase Six.

About the author

Leon Miller
Leon is a freelance writer obsessed with film, TV, video games, and comic books. His writing credits include articles for Polygon, Popverse, Screen Rant, CBR, Cultured Vultures, PanelxPanel, Taste of Cinema, and more. Originally from Australia, Leon is currently based in the UK.
    Leon Miller
    Leon is a freelance writer obsessed with film, TV, video games, and comic books. His writing credits include articles for Polygon, Popverse, Screen Rant, CBR, Cultured Vultures, PanelxPanel, Taste of Cinema, and more. Originally from Australia, Leon is currently based in the UK.

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