
Why Do Humans Respond So Well To Clean Spaces?

Take My Money‘s Trisha Hershberger joins DNews to discuss why humans seem much more effective in clean environments.

We can all probably agree nobody actually wants to clean up after themselves, especially within the comfort of your personal work space/trash pile. But researchers have noticed humans gain quite a bit from clean spaces, such as brightened moods, health benefits, and even moral improvement somehow. Take My Money‘s Trisha Hershberger recently joined Trace Dominguez at DNews to discuss the topic, bringing some hard science to your mother’s persistent reminders to tidy your room.

One of the coolest examples is a decade-long study based on the University of Pennsylvania’s attempt to spruce up 4000 vacant lots. After making these spaces greener and tidier, researchers noted measurable drops in crime and stress levels, along with an increased number of people exercising. Other studies have shown similar effects on indoor spaces, prompting visitors to eat vegetables over junk food and donate to charity when asked. Even something basic like washing your hands can make you feel mentally calm.

Want to hear something really strange? Apparently clean digital spaces can encourage the same psychological effects. Humans are weird.

Which isn’t to say a little messiness is so bad. In fact, studies suggest limited amounts of clutter can encourage creativity and unconventional thinking – provided it doesn’t get so out of control as to trigger negative effects. It’s certainly an interesting topic, and worth checking out the studies cited in the YouTube video description.

Want more videos from Trisha! No problem! Check out Take My Money or her recent appearance on Test Tube News.

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