
World of Battleships Laid Down

image is gearing up to complete the land-sea-air trifecta with World of Battleships, an upcoming MMO that will put players in the captain’s chairs of the most powerful warships to ever put to sea.

Hot on the heels of the World of Warplanes announcement comes word of the third game in what has very quickly become a trilogy: World of Battleships, a free-to-play naval MMO based around the battleship era of the 20th century. The new game will offer a “large assortment” of warships, each with its own combination of firepower, speed, armor and toughness, prowling realistic maps with variable weather conditions. Players will also be able to take advantage of a “common economic system” that will allow them to distribute resources between the three games at will.

World of Battleships follows behind the already-live World of Tanks and the aforementioned World of Warplanes, but while Tanks appears to be doing well and I have a personal jones for Warplanes, I’m not really sure what to expect from Battleships. Second World War-era fighters are a natural fit for one-on-one online combat and tanks are close enough, but battleships are a whole different story. The HMS King George V had a crew of more than 1600 guys and it’s hard to imagine putting all that into the hands of a single player without either gutting the experience or requiring an interface so painfully complex as to drive away all but the most hardcore sim freaks.

No word on when World of Battleships will be playable, even in beta state, but I’ll definitely be keeping an eye on it. In the meantime, you can find out more about the “World of” games at

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