
World of Warcraft‘s Night Elf Gets a Face-lift For Warlords of Dreanor

World of Warcraft‘s Night Elf player model will be brought in line graphically with the game’s newer races.

At last year’s Blizzcon, Blizzard announced that all of the original eight World of Warcraft races would be getting a face-lift for the upcoming Warlords of Dreanor expansion. At the time, we only saw new models for the Orc, Gnome, Dwarf, Undead and Tauren, but now we’ve been given a glimpse at how Night Elves will look in the expansion – at least, the females. Check them out below:

On the redesign, Blizzard artist Tyson Murphy said: “Overall, we’ve made her new model a little more defined, made some of her proportions a bit more realistic, and added a bit more muscle tone. We wanted to visually communicate that she is a fully capable warrior huntress, and small details like muscle definition help highlight that. We also put additional focus on her hands and fingernails, giving a very slight point to her nails to provide just a hint of a more feral nature.”

It’s certainly a far cry for those blurry, jagged renders that were originally released back in 2004.

Blizzard are periodically updating their blog with the new character models, check out the “Artcraft” posts for more info.

Source: Blizzard

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