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Yahtzee and Escapist Magazine Are Heading to E3 2019

E3 2019 is upon us and Escapist is going to be at the show in force.

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For the first time in Escapist history, Yahtzee will be attending E3 himself. Alongside the Gameumentary video team, Yahtzee will be on the ground, bringing you developer interviews, hands-on previews and daily impressions of everything from Gears of War 5, to unannounced titles from Square-Enix, Bethesda, Warner Bros. Interactive, and evenĀ Shenmue 3.

That’s not all. Bob Chipman will be producing fresh episodes of Game OverThinker throughout the week responding to the biggest announcements of the show. And, finally, the New Escapist Podcast will debut with three special E3 episodes releasing on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. We’re also going to be something special with world famous cosplayer Stella Chuu. Please be excited.

Follow all of our coverage at this E3 2019 landing page.

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