
Zero Punctuation Alert: Yahtzee Goes to GDC


A while back, when the folks at GDC were looking for someone to help host their Game Developer’s Choice Awards, they gave Yahtzee a call.

“Yahtzee,” they said. “Make us some videos.”

And so he did. And so Wednesday night, the folks at GDC will be treated to a special event, the first-ever Zero Punctuation videos premiered anywhere other than right here at The Escapist. Then, later that same night, at around midnight Eastern Time, to be precise, you lucky bastards will get to see them too.

This week on Zero Punctuation, The Escapist is proud to present Yahtzee’s exclusive Game Developer’s Choice Awards Videos. It’s a special event type thing, so don’t go nuts hitting F5, refreshing The Escpaist for 12 hours. Be patient. At midnight on Wednesday (or would that make it Thursday?), you, too will get to see the exciting Zero Punctuation GDC videos.

Want to see what yahtzee thinks is the greatest videogame character of 2007? Which is the best console? Which rock game rocks hardest? Stay tuned. And if you made it to GDC, come by the Developer’s Choice awards and see it first, live, as God intended it. Amen.

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